An experienced attorney can be your greatest asset to achieve a successful short sale and Wilson Law Group, PLC has an impressive record at structuring, negotiating and closing short sale transactions. Your key to structuring a successful shortsale is to team with an attorney who knows the shortsale transaction inside and out, and a listing realtor who is experienced at shortsale listings and understands that a short sale is unlike a traditional real estate sale.
Short sales are more complicated and time consuming than an average real estate sale, making it crucial to hiring an experienced real estate attorney to oversee and negotiate the transaction. Our firm has trained staff who are dedicated to processing short sale transactions. No one is more influential in convincing a lender to accept a short payoff than an attorney. One of the biggest challenges is getting the lender to respond and having attorney representation will generally move your short sale transaction to the head of the line.
Because the short sale transaction is conditioned upon lender approval, a the time period between contract to closing can be 90 days or more. The Seller must communicate with our law firm so that we can prove to the lender why a short sale is necessary to close a particular transaction. Our firm will work with the Realtor and seller to prepare a comprehensive package to send to the lender.